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Hiking with your dog

Hiking with your dog

By Fun things to do with your dogOne Comment
“In life, It’s not where you go — it’s who you travel with.” ~ Charles Schultz

Just like your dog, hiking can help you lead a happier, healthier life. And time spent bonding with your pup is precious. One of the greatest pleasures you can share with your dog is a hiking adventure. You and your dog likely spend a lot of time during the week cooped up in the office, the car, your home. etc. — leaving your both craving the freedom and fresh air found only in nature.

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Spectacular Day

By Conversations with CodyNo Comments

This yard where I live is the most spectacular yard ever in the history of yards. And this day is the most spectacular, too. In the history of days. I ran inside to tell to Jane about it. Jane says, “Today is Wednesday, Cody. What’s the big deal?” “Seriously!?” I said, looking at her the…

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By Conversations with CodyNo Comments

John dreamt I was a greyhound. I looked just like me but I had long skinny legs and could run like the wind. Wonder what that’s about? Maybe it’s the spirit of me. Or, maybe John and I were both dreaming at the same time. And I was dreaming that I was running and he tapped…

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