To kiss or not to kiss your furry companion: It’s a hot topic. Critics near and far are weighing in on both why you should and why you should not smooch your pooch.
To kiss or not to kiss your furry companion: It’s a hot topic. Critics near and far are weighing in on both why you should and why you should not smooch your pooch.
Updated 08.26.16 Let me first say I am super excited to launch Live Love Dogs. I have been thinking about and talking about this for years. While I have a tremendous amount of experience in design and branding, this is the first time I have created a brand of my own (aside from branding my…
No one really knows how many dogs there are in the world, but efforts made by the pet food industry as reported by Stanley Coren, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. in Psychology Today’s Canine Corner estimates that there are at least 525 million dogs on our planet. To put that in perspective, it would take all of the…